
The building was envisioned as a “vessel within a vessel within a vessel.” The structure is a branching concrete frame, the inner layer is perforated bamboo and the outer layer is matte white glass with 

colored glass fragments recalling “neume notation” of Medieval music of the 13th century. The word neume originates from the Greek pnevma, which means ‘vital force.’ It suggests a ‘breath of 

life’ that fills oneself with inspiration like a stream of air, the blowing of the wind. The outer glass layer is organized in horizontal bands like a musical staff while the concrete structure branches like the 


The three story centre has an open curved staircase integral to the concrete frame with open spaces vertically lined in perforated bamboo. The glass facade geometry, like a musical “staff” is in 

horizontal strips 90 cm wide, which follow the geometry of the main stair along the north facade, while lifting up with clear glass facing the main square, marking the main front entry. 

IAI Lifetime Achievement Award 

Winners:Steven Holl


新馆设计是由五个相互连接的体块组成作为美术馆的延伸, 新建部分沿着园区东侧展开, 引领访客从原有建筑穿过雕塑公园, 最引人注目的五个玻璃晶状体在此处形成了新的空间与视角。随每位参观者在景观与透光建筑体间的行进, 新美术馆体验逐渐展开; 参观动线与展览巧妙地结合, 从一处可瞭望到另一处, 由里至外。雕塑公园中的蜿蜒小路是新馆展厅开放流线的延续, 新美术馆的玻璃为展廊带来不同形式的光线, 而雕塑公园的小路则缠绕于其外。

2023/2024 IAI终身成就奖


